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Send PRRO receipts to your customers via SMS

Receipt PRRO by SMS

Receipt PRRO by SMS

Send fiscal receipt to customers via SMS

Add guests to the database, be smarter, save paper and save nature

Receipt PRRO by SMS

Receipt PRRO by SMS

Send fiscal receipt to customers via SMS

Sobre la integración Receipt PRRO by SMS con Poster POS

Receipt PRRO by SMS is an application that allows you to send your customers a link to a fiscal receipt via SMS. This is a receipt that is displayed on the tax website instantly after closing it in Poster.

Sending an SMS can be done immediately with each closing of the receipt or manually via Archive of receipts. The customers's phone number can be entered manually, or it will be added automatically if the customers is in your List of customers in Marketing.

This application is an addition to the PRRO application in Poster, which completely replaces your cash register and fiscal registrar.

Benefits of sending checks via SMS:

  • 1. Actively collect a client base and then send SMS: birthdays, promotions, discounts.
  • 2. Take care of nature and forests - your business will be modern, technological and conscious
  • 3. Save money on printer and receipt paper

Popular questions:

  • 1. Links are sent only to fiscal receipts that have been closed through PRRO Poster? - Yes
  • 2. If we work with 2PRRO, is it possible to send SMS? - Yes, 2 SMS will be sent at once
  • 3. If we work with the fiscal registrar (FR) and PRRO, is it possible to send SMS? - Yes, only for PRRO
  • 4. If we work with FR, is it possible to send SMS? - No, the application only works for fiscal receipts of closed PRRO Poster. Rather, go to it, because it is much more profitable than servicing a classic FR
  • 5. Is it possible to send non-fiscal receipts via SMS? - No
  • 6. Is it possible to send SMS in the absence of the Internet? - No

Application price: 36 UAH/month per account and 0.72 UAH per SMS

Technical support: in Telegram @pos_support

Sobre la aplicación
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